LeanStock Capacity is designed to provide Load Analysis for constraint identification within a manufacturing organisation. The Excel based planning tool takes data loaded either from MRP or maintained in other spreadsheets in the form of Resource data, Routings, and forecast demand load either from LeanStock or other systems.
The capacity plan can be configured to provide the loading on each resource (machine or people), the tools used for the operations or the overall load at a location. Each of these can have different working hours and shifts.
Load Analysis is performed to determine practical levels of resource loading, identifying the primary system constraints that can then potentially be planned in detail using the LeanStock Scheduler.

Resources can be reviewed in more detail, the main elements of the detailed Resource Analysis report are:
- Load Analysis statistics
- Timephased Demand Load and Utilisation output
- Timephased Load and Utilisation charts
- Resource Data
- Routing Data with Part specific demand calculations

Details of the Load Analysis include calcuation of Utilisation, the time capacity that would allow additional setups without impact and the minimum number of Resources required to meet the maximum desirable loading (this is particularly useful for labour resources for processes like final assembly).