Reflex Demand Planning allows you to create real value for your customers, taking real cost out of your business using world-class multi-level business forecasting techniques, giving you more information and time to better understand your market and therefore the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions.

Using order history fed from your core ERP system, Reflex calculates your forecast by day, week or month, using auto-adaptive calculations based on algorithms developed with Manchester Metropolitan University. Reflex dynamically analyses demand or sales history and calculates seasonality and trend to create a base forecast for seasonalised sales. In addition the planner can identify and input separate promotional activity, both in sales history and in the forecast at any level in the hierarchy, minimising effort and improving accuracy.

BestFit ForecastThe system also benefits the planner by:

A library of profiles can be created allowing the system to learn from past events and enhance the accuracy of forecast projections. This accuracy is further enhanced when combined with the knowledge of future promotions and events, enabling the activity of the Sales and Marketing functions to be planned into the sales forecast.

Analytical capabilities like the comparison of forecast to budget and managing the financial processes is core to Reflex Demand Planning. Important commercial considerations such as margin effects and pricing are easily managed at a detailed or aggregate level. Financial and volume forecasts can be compared between products, family groups, customers and markets.

Reflex Demand Planning software also drives a highly effective alerts system that will help users address weak forecasts. Alerts provide the user with a work schedule that will improve the forecast in the most efficient way. Based on a simple traffic lights model, it will highlight forecast inaccuracies and make continuous improvement a way of life.

Reflex Demand Planning supports multiple forecasting algorithms and methodologies to enable forecast improvement across all types of products:

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